
Old Towns/New Country: The First Years of a New Nation

A workshop for teachers & local history enthusiasts sponsored by the Massachusetts Historical Society and Penobscot Marine Museum Wednesday, August 6 and Thursday, August 7, 2014 Searsport, Maine 8:30am — 3:30pm This two-day workshop will explore how to use...

Cooking with Fire at Penobscot Marine Museum

On Tuesday, July 1, at 7:00 pm, food historian and wood-fired oven builder Paula Marcoux will talk about her new book, Cooking With Fire: From Roasting on a Spit to Baking in a Tannur, Rediscovered Techniques and Recipes That Capture the Flavors of Wood-Fired Cooking,...

Maine 2014 Antique Paper Show: Postcards and Paper Collectibles

The Maine 2014 Antique Paper Show: Postcards and Paper Collectibles will be at the First Congregational Church Vestry, 8 Church Street, Searsport on Saturday, June 28, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. This popular annual show includes thousands of vintage postcards, old maps,...