
Emily in Wonderland

Kosti Ruohomaa made several photo series illustrating the fun children have in the countryside. In this series, Kosti focuses on four-year-old Emily Burns, exploring the countryside for the first time at Henry and Eleanor Laxson’s dairy farm in Millford, NH. Emily meets farm animals, gathers wildflowers, and climbs a wood pile.

As was the style for Look magazine, the published feature was a photo-essay, composed of photos with captions. The captions are humorous and reminiscent of Kosti’s other writing, suggesting that he came up with at least the ideas himself. Eight of Kosti’s photos were published in Look magazine under the title “Emily in Wonderland” on May 15, 1956 p. 94-98. Kosti saved multiple copies of the photographs, which he cut from magazines and archived in his personal scrapbooks.