The primary (and best) reason to digitize museum collections is to share them with the public on the web. PMM’s photo archives staff has been hard at work for the past year getting to know Kosti Ruohomaa’s photographs through this process. Since he worked under the umbrella of a photo agency for most of his life (Black Star Publishing in Manhattan), the collection is most meaningfully grouped by his professional assignments: those he was given and those he conceived himself and pitched to them. It’s interesting to observe that many of the “self-assignments” were studies of particular aesthetic and cultural themes which the photographer circled back to repeatedly throughout his career.
Beginning in January of 2021, we’ll use this page to showcase a few new assignments each month. Please check back here to further explore the captivating work of this iconic Maine talent. Click on any of the thumbnails below to open that group of images in our online database.
Antique Dealer
In December of 1949, Kosti followed an antique dealer as he visited folks with items to sell in the area around Rockland, Maine. In these photos, the subjects are surrounded by old, handmade objects, which embody the photographer’s attachment to the traditional world he was raised in.
Jacob Potofsky
Jacob Potofsky was a clothing workers organizer “renowned for his skills as a conciliator within the union movement,” who had “the poise of a diplomat.”
Drew Pearson
Drew Pearson (1897-1963) was an influential and controversial journalist during the first half of the 20th century. He wrote a syndicated column, “Washington Merry-Go-Round” which ran for over three decades.
Walt Whitman Centennial
Life magazine sent Kosti Ruohomaa on a quest to create a photo essay celebrating the 100th anniversary of Walt Whitman’s book of poetry, Leaves of Grass. Twelve of Kosti’s images were published in the June 20, 1955 issue of Life titled, “The Paths Whitman Walked,” with a prominent credit line for the photographer.
Richmond, VA
Life magazine sent Kosti Ruohomaa to Richmond, Virginia, and Kosti set out to capture both the rich history and the stark reality. Kosti took photos of dark industrial spaces, imposing neo-classical structures, and dignified elders from either end of a gaping class structure.
James River, VA
One of Kosti Ruohomaa’s assignments for Life magazine in 1945 was to travel in a boat along the James River, in Virginia. He took a variety of photos, including cows drinking from the river, ivy-covered historic homes, Historic Jamestown, and his bow-tie-wearing guide.
Rehabilitation — NYU
After seven months in the army, 19 year-old Bernard Berger of Yonkers, New York, injured his knee while jumping a wall on a training course. “For young Berger, that was the end of the war. While his buddies were sailing overseas to European battle fronts, Bernard was heading for home.”
Ice Fishing
Ruohomaa venerated traditional skills and lifestyles. His study of ice fisherman provides a brief glimpse into a treasured cold weather pastime. These environmental portraits show the fishers and the private worlds of their ice shanties, which are sometimes luxurious enough to include bunks and small cookstoves.
Emily in Wonderland
Kosti Ruohomaa made several photo series illustrating the fun children have in the countryside. In this series, Kosti focuses on four-year-old Emily Burns, exploring the countryside for the first time at Henry and Eleanor Laxson’s dairy farm in Millford, NH.
Herring Weirs
Kosti Ruohomaa documented the herring fishery from every angle over a number of years including 1953, 1957, 1958, and 1960. He photographed the boats, fishermen, and nets.