Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or [email protected].
October 15
Free, registration required
Cipperly Good, PMM Curator, will present a look at three quintessential Maine boats: the Wabanaki birchbark canoe, Matinicus double-ender, and Jonesporter lobsterboat. Each of these boats are designed for fishing in Maine’s coastal waters. The ocean-going birchbark canoes had higher bows and sterns for navigating the ocean waves, and a round belly to act as a stable platform for spearing fish. The Matinicus double-ender, a full-bellied rowing boat, which cut through the waves and provided a stable platform for lobstermen, found its genesis in the Wabanaki birchbark canoe. The Jonesporter lobsterboat had its origins in a double-ender adapted into a pumpkinseed shape to accommodate an engine. Come learn more how Maine geography influenced the design of these unique boats. Register
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This programming has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these programs, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit the National Endowment for the Humanities website here https://www.neh.gov.