Presentation Requests
Make a RequestCommunity Conversations & Formal Presentations
Thank you for your interest in a Penobscot Marine Museum presentation. We welcome the opportunity to share more information about our museum and pass along our knowledge of the maritime culture of the Penobscot Bay region and beyond. Our staff can come to your site for an in-person program or we can do a Zoom program. For more information please contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at or 207-548-2529. To schedule your program please complete this online request form.
We offer two different types of presentations:
Community Conversations Presentations
Our staff can describe our work at the Penobscot Marine Museum, dig deeper into one of our signature collections, or share a series of photographs of your community. During the presentation, we welcome stories and insights from the audience to help us fill out the history and culture of your community and our region.
• Penobscot Marine Museum: An Overview
• Penobscot Marine Museum Photo Archives: An Overview
• Kosti Comes Home: A Glimpse into the Black Star Collection
• The Eastern Illustrating & Publishing Company—with a focus on specific Maine towns and regions
• The Net Result: Our Evolving Fisheries and the National Fisherman Collection
Fee: The cost for a Community Conversation presentation is a minimum of round-trip mileage at the federal rate ($0.655/mile in 2023). We welcome an additional honorarium to support our work.
Formal Presentations
Our Curatorial, Photo Archives, and Education Department staff members are experts in their fields and can speak more formally on a number of topics.
• Maine in the China Trade
• Working the Penobscot Bay
• Maine’s Windjammers
• Women at Sea
• Through Her Lens: Women Photographers
• From Mission to Outreach: How a Museum Works
Fee: The cost for formal presentations is $50 plus round-trip mileage at the federal rate ($0.655/mile in 2023). Some programs may have additional materials costs. We welcome an additional honorarium to support our work.