Monday, June 16 through Sunday, October 19
Opening reception Friday, July 25, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Blue Fish, 1988, painted wood, 48″x56″x30″
This exhibit is in Penobscot Marine Museum’s Douglas and Margaret Carver Memorial Art Gallery, 11 Church Street
Capturing Eric Hopkins’ life-long fascination with life from the sea, this major retrospective includes paintings, monotypes, and glass and wood sculpture, much of which has not been seen before. It also includes Hopkins’ personal collection, which has inspired the work in this exhibition, of the skeletons, shells and other remnants of creatures picked up on beaches over the course of his life. The sea was an integral part of Eric Hopkins’ childhood on the island of North Haven and around Penobscot Bay. “I look back and think how connected everything in my life was,” Hopkins says. “The rocks and shells and bones and branches were my play things. I’d see the patterns of clouds repeated on the waves on the water and later in the flesh of the filleted flounder.”

Broken Shell Form #1, 1986, ink and oil o/c, 4′ x 3′