Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or jganskop@pmm-maine.org.
ANNIE L. HENDERSON. Built at Camden, Maine in 1880. Burning of the schooner on September 1, 1906 at Bangor, Maine. Ship fire being watched from shore by men, women and children under a full moon. Another ship’s masts visible in the smoke. R2012.8.60
Monday, September 13th at Noon on Zoom
Free for members
Most Fridays you can find the new PMM board president sitting at the microfilm reader in the Stephen Phillips Memorial Library at Penobscot Marine Museum. What is he researching? In this Member Monday exclusive, meet Jon Johansen as he discusses his project of combing through The Republican Journal for mentions of sailing vessels and the intriguing stories he has found.
Jon is the founder and publisher of Maine Coastal News, which covers all aspects of boating along the Maine coast. His extensive maritime history research led him to form the International Maritime Library, a digital library that consists of countless transcriptions from maritime publications and a database of more than 100,000 vessels.
Member Monday programs are a member benefit – look for them on the second Monday of each month. Not a member? Join today to take advantage of unique opportunities like this one and to support the ongoing educational and preservation efforts of the Museum.