Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or [email protected].
Saturday, October 5th
Free with Museum admission ($5 entry fee for model pumpkin boats)
Kids in Costume at Fling Into Fall
11:30am-Noon – Yard in the Yard Demonstration Help furl the square sails on our Downeaster mast in the yard.
Noon – Presentation & Book Signing John Anderson will discuss his new book Borne on the Wind: the Life and Journals of Captain Anders Anderson. A Swedish immigrant, Captain Anderson sailed schooners out of Stonington, Camden, and Rockland in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
1pm – Model Pumpkin Boat Competition II Bring your model pumpkin boat to compete in our second annual competition. *$5 registration fee, free museum admission with model pumpkin boat entry. See details below.
2pm-5pm – Scarecrow vignette building. Help museum staff & volunteers create this year’s Fling Into Fall scarecrow vignette to be entered into the scarecrow competition on October 12th.
Model Pumpkin Boat Competition II Details:
In the second year of this event, we challenge you to make a model boat out of a Pumpkin! Bring your model pumpkin boat to the Penobscot Marine Museum on Saturday October 6th to compete. PMM staff will judge entries using a point system based on size, composition, creative use of pumpkin, overall look, ability to float, and speed. The winner will receive 50% of the proceeds and the other 50% will go to the Penobscot Marine Museum to help support programming like this!
Rules & Regulations
To register, call 207-548-2529 or email [email protected].