
Special Events at PMM

Lectures, Workshops, Events
You’re invited to join us at Penobscot Marine Museum for our ongoing series of special events! For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or

The Sea Connects All Things with Peter Neill

Main Street Gallery 40 East Main Street, Searsport, United States

Thursday, August 21, 7:00 pm
Thursday Night Lecture Series
On Thursday, August 21st at 7:00 pm, Peter Neill, director of the World Ocean Observatory will present The Sea Connects All Things, an illustrated talk on the ocean as an integrated global social system. Neill will suggest actions, beyond the predictable conventions, for organizations and individuals to adopt as innovative strategies for the future.

Click Here to purchase tickets online.

$8 – $10

Children’s Program: Reading Corner

PMM’s Peapod Church St., Searsport, United States

Friday, August 22, 10:30 pm
Children’s Program: Reading Corner
Come listen to excerpts from the children’s classic One Morning in Maine read out loud. 
PMM’s Peapod. Free with PMM admission.

Free with museum admission

Talk and Book Signing: 1816: The Year That Summer Never Came

Main Street Gallery 40 East Main Street, Searsport, United States

Saturday, August 23, 2:00 pm
Talk and Book Signing: 1816: The Year That Summer Never Came
This story, by author Mayra Donnell, is of a young girl who records in her diary what Maine life was like in the bizarre weather of the year 1816. In the summer of 1816, instead of scorching summers, they experienced ice and frozen apple blossoms in May and a snow storm in June. Learn the true story of why 1816 was a year of unusual weather. Home Schoolers’ Day PMM’s Main Street Gallery. Admission free.


Children’s Program: Build a Wind Platform

PMM’s Peapod Church St., Searsport, United States

Wednesday, August 27, 11:00 am to noon
Children’s Program: Build a Wind Platform
A hands-on program with an educator from the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center.  Learn how wind can generate electricity, why the ocean is a great place for a windmill, and how to build your own structure!
PMM’s Peapod. Free with PMM admission.

Free with museum admission

Wooden boatbuilding with Cottrell Boatbuilders

Penobscot Marine Museum 2 Church Street, Searsport, United States

Cottrell Boatbuilding builds traditional small craft. Whitehalls, Wherries,Tenders, Daysailers Dories and excels in traditional plank on frame construction. Sponsored by Knickerbocker Group. Free with PMM admission.

Free with museum admission

Dinner and Forum: An Evening of Song & Quilts with Gee’s Bend Quilters, sponsored by Fiber College of Maine.

Searsport First Congregational Church 8 Church St., Searsport, ME, United States

Wednesday, September 3, 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Dinner and Forum: An Evening of Song & Quilts with Gee's Bend Quilters
Generously sponsored by Fiber College of Maine and the Emily and William Muir Community Fund of the Maine Community Foundation.
5:00 pm dinner is prepared and served by the Women's Fellowship of the Searsport Congregational Church. Profits from the evening will support the Interfaith Fuel Fund and the Searsport Congregational/Methodist Food Cupboard.
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, an evening of Songs and Stories shared by China Pettway, Lucy Mingo, Stella Mae Pettway and Revil Mosely of Gee's Bend, hosted by Suzette McAvoy, director of the Maine Center of Contemporary Art. The evening of gospel singing (during which two quilts will be raffled) at the Searsport Congregational Church.
For tickets and more information call 548-6059 or go to

The Photography of Antonia Small

Main Street Gallery 40 East Main Street, Searsport, United States

Tuesday, September 9
The Photography of Antonia Small
Exhibit open (Artist’s Reception September 13)
PMM’s Main Street Gallery. Free with PMM admission.

Free with museum admission

Maine Boatbuilders Forum: Boat Builders of West Penobscot Bay, Stockton to Port Clyde

Main Street Gallery 40 East Main Street, Searsport, United States

Thursday, September 11, 7:00 pm
Maine Boatbuilders Forum: Boat Builders of West Penobscot Bay, Stockton to Port Clyde With boatbuilder Jason Constantine: North End Composites and Back Cove Yachts, Rockland.
PMM’s Main Street Gallery. Tickets $8 members and $10 non-members.

For Tickets, click here

$8 – $10