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October Speaker Series Zoom: Quintessential Maine Boats with Curator Cipperly Good


October 15
Free, registration required

Cipperly Good, PMM Curator, will present a look at three quintessential Maine boats: the Wabanaki birchbark canoe, Matinicus double-ender, and Jonesporter lobsterboat. Each of these boats are designed for fishing in Maine's coastal waters. The ocean-going birchbark canoes had higher bows and sterns for navigating the ocean waves, and a round belly to act as a stable platform for spearing fish. The Matinicus double-ender, a full-bellied rowing boat, which cut through the waves and provided a stable platform for lobstermen, found its genesis in the Wabanaki birchbark canoe. The Jonesporter lobsterboat had its origins in a double-ender adapted into a pumpkinseed shape to accommodate an engine.  Come learn more how Maine geography influenced the design of these unique boats. Register