
Special Events at PMM

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For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or [email protected].

Themed Walking Tour: Authors & Artists

Penobscot Marine Museum 2 Church Street, Searsport

Tuesday, July 6, click here to see available times
$25/family (up to 10 people)

Joseph Nicolar wrote about birchbark canoes. George Wasson wrote about the heyday of sailing on the Penobscot River as he summered on the WAVE CREST in Castine Harbor. E.B. White wrote of owning small boats - the FAINT ENDEAVOR, once owned by White, is now exhibited at PMM. Clara Blanchard was a 19th-century rising opera star. Contemporary artist Brian White was inspired by local fishermen. These are only a few of the many artists and authors represented by the collections at the Penobscot Marine Museum. This tour tells the stories of these individuals and uses their own words to connect with the objects and buildings in front of you.