
Special Events at PMM

Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or [email protected].

Themed Walking Tour: Stories of Searsport Sailing Families

Penobscot Marine Museum 2 Church Street, Searsport

Tuesday, August 24, 5-8pm click here to see available times
$25/family (up to 10 people)

In the late 1800s, sea captains from Searsport were sailing around the world delivering goods to Europe, Asia, South America, and many places in between. Often, wives and children accompanied these captains. What was life like for these small-town families spending years at sea? What was it like for family members who stayed home during some voyages? Discover the stories of Searsport sailing families in this tour.