
Special Events at PMM

Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or

Off Campus Illustrated Photo Talk

Bangor Public Library 145 Harlow St., Bangor, ME, United States

Tuesday, August 21, 2018
5:00 pm
Bangor Public Library
145 Harlow Street, Bangor, Maine

Matt Wheeler will present an overview of the museum's photo collections, focusing on prominent holdings and more recent acquisitions. PMM is committed to digitizing its collections and publishing the images, along with available information, online for free public access.

As with other collections, PMM's photographs--numbering over 300,000--originated in the Penobscot Bay region, but their geographic scope is wide-ranging, since some of our photographers travelled the country and the world. The talk will reveal some of their stories, and of course be accompanied by a generous heap of engaging images.


Sources of Inspiration: Al Ross, Model Planmaker

Admissions Center 5 Church St, Searsport, ME, United States

Cost: $5 for members, $8 for non-members

Al Ross designs model plans for BlueJacket Shipcrafters Inc. in Searsport. He will discuss which designs inspire him the most and why.

Sources of inspiration with Ralph Stanley

Penobscot Marine Museum 2 Church Street, Searsport, United States

August 25, 2018
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Free with Museum Admission

Ralph Stanley will be showing off some of the half models he has built and talking about how he uses them to build full size models.

Sources of Inspiration: Cassie Stymest, Educator

Admissions Center 5 Church St, Searsport, ME, United States

Cost: $5 for members, $8 for non-members

Educational Passages’s Program Director Cassie Stymest explains how they use GPS-equipped models to spread ocean and environmental literacy.  Classrooms around the world follow the models and explore oceanic phenomena.

Off Campus Program- Franklin County: The Postcard View

Monday, September 24, 2018
Free (if attending the dinner, please bring a dish to share)
Farmington’s North Church
118 High Street, Farmington

Join Penobscot Marine Museum’s Kevin Johnson and Farmington Historical Society members for a Public Potluck Dinner followed by a program by PMM Photo Archivist, Kevin Johnson. Kevin will present Franklin County: The Postcard View; Selections from the Eastern Illustrating & Publishing Company”.

A Yankee Expeditioner’s Thoughts on the Penobscot Expedition

PMM Visitors Center 2 Church St., Searsport, ME, United States

October 4
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
PMM Visitors Center
$5 for members and $8 for non-members

The Penobscot Expedition, during the Revolutionary War, was the worst naval disaster in American history until Pearl Harbor. David Middleton, a costumed interpreter, will discuss the failures of the assault on Magabigaduce (Castine) and the consequences to the Mid-coast and Penobscot regions of Maine.

Fling into Fall Model Pumpkin Boat Competition

Penobscot Marine Museum Crescent 2 Church St., Searsport, ME, United States

Saturday, October 6th
$5 registration fee
Penobscot Marine Museum Crescent

The model boats in Penobscot Marine Museum’s temporary exhibit, “Sailing Small: Small Boats, Big Ideas” are made of many different materials from paper to plastic. We challenge you to make a model boat out of a Pumpkin! Bring your model pumpkin boat to the Penobscot Marine Museum on Saturday October 6th to compete. PMM staff will judge entries using a point system based on size, composition, creative use of pumpkin, overall look, ability to float, and speed. The winner will receive 50% of the proceeds and the other 50% will go to the Penobscot Marine Museum to help support programming like this!


One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Children’s Explorer Camp

October 8th
Ages 5-10
$40/$30 member

When school is out for Columbus Day, what are the kids going to do? Drop them off at the Penobscot Marine Museum’s day camp all about fish! Through crafts, games, songs, and special exhibit visits, we will explore the fish and other animals living off the Maine Coast. Bring a bag lunch. 

Questions? Ready to register? 
Call 207-548-2529 or email

Boat Building in Lubec

PMM Visitors Center 2 Church St., Searsport, ME, United States

October 11
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
PMM Visitors Center
$5 for members and $8 for non-members

Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse

PMM Visitors Center 2 Church St., Searsport, ME, United States

October 18
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
PMM Visitors Center
$5 for members and $8 for non-members

Judy Chandler's grandparents ran the Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse. They raised twelve children at this remote lighthouse accessible by foot only at low tide or by boat. Using family photos, hear about her family's adventures and experience living in a lighthouse.