
Make Art with Historic Photographs at Penobscot Marine Museum

Draw, color, and paint on photographs from the Penobscot Marine Museum collection to create your own work of art in the workshop Photoplay with M.J. Bronsteinon Wednesday, Aug 19th.   Artist and photographer M.J. Bronstein pioneered the idea of using photographs as...

Have Your Tintype Taken at Penobscot Marine Museum

Tintypes were popular in the 1860’s and 1870’s and many of the photographs taken during the Civil War were tintypes.  They are not made on tin, but are a type of photograph made on a sheet of blackened iron.  A mobile tintype photography booth will be set up at the...

3-D Views of New England Explored

Stereoviews took the world by storm and were the most popular form of photography from the 1860’s through the 1920’s.  In his talk Stereo Views of New England, Maine State Museum Director Bernard Fishman provides 3-D glasses and projects historic 3-D stereoview images...