Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or [email protected].
The Home Road
Monday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Colonial Theatre
163 High St, Belfast
$12 members, children and students
$15 non-members
Tonya Shevenell
We are excited to bring Portland based filmmaker Tonya Shevenell to the Colonial theatre to screen her film The Home Road.
In 1845, 19-year-old Israel Shevenell left his home in Canada and walked nearly 200 miles to Biddeford, Maine. He found work and built a new life in an American boomtown being transformed by the Industrial Revolution, and is recognized as the city’s first permanent French-Canadian settler and French voter.
In 2015, his 74-year-old great-great-grandson, Ray Shevenell, retraced the pioneering journey, walking from Compton, Quebec to Biddeford.
Tonya Shevenell tells their stories in her first documentary film, an exploration of family, history, and identity – and how a journey into the unexpected inevitably leads to…home.
Proceeds from this screening will benefit the PMM photo archives.