
Sea Captains’ House Tour

Saturday, Aug 6, 1 pm to 4 pm, Fowler-True-Ross Sea Captain’s House & throughout Searsport Tickets $10, $5 for members. Searsport is famous for shipbuilding and ship captains. In collaboration with PMM, the owners of the historic houses built by the Captains and...

Sea Shanties & Maritime Demonstrations

With the Duckback Farm Worksongers Saturday, Aug 6, concerts every hour on the hour from 10 am to 1 pm Admission free with museum admission. Sing rousing sea shanties, see capstan and halyard demonstrations, and learn about fo’c’sle songs and shipboard fiddle tunes...

Seabird Guano Bottle From Penobscot Marine Museum At Smithsonian

A bottle filled with colored seabird guano (droppings) from Penobscot Marine Museum’s collection is currently on display in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The bottle is part of the exhibit The Norie Marine Atlas &...

About Copyright and Use Restrictions

Copyright and Use Learn how you can use our collections. Inquire In many cases, The Penobscot Marine Museum possesses full copyright to its archived photographs. Where we cannot claim this authority, we provide information regarding copyright owners in collections...