
Maine’s Largest Pinhole Camera

Photos and Text by Gabor Degre of The Bangor Daily News Did you ever wonder how cameras work? With the marvel of digital equipment, it seems almost like magic. You push a button and the image appears instantly. Photo archivists with the Penobscot Marine MuseumKevin...

Exploring the Magic of Photography: Painting with Light

First Major Exhibition of Penobscot Marine Museum’s Photography Collection Opening in 2015 May 23 through October 18, 2015 In 2007 a group of 35,000 historic glass plate negatives and photographs were rescued from a flood by Kevin Johnson. Johnson then brought them to...

Loraine Hamilton

Loraine Hamilton was a good friend and a long-time supporter of Penobscot Marine Museum’s educational programs. Thank you all so much for your donations to the Hamilton Learning Center in memory of Loraine Hamilton. The Hamilton Learning Center enables Penobscot...

Memoirs of War: A Soldier’s Seabag

The story of ten Maine veterans’ wartime experiences from WW II to the present, as told through their mementos and souvenirs.  This exhibit was designed and curated by the Senior Class of Searsport District High School. Memoirs of War: A Soldier’s Seabag in PMM’s...