
Special Events at PMM

Lectures, Workshops, Events
For more information, contact Jeana Ganskop, Education Director, at 207-548-2529 or [email protected].

Community Wreath Display

Main Street Gallery 40 East Main Street, Searsport, United States

Friday, December 4 through Saturday, December 13
Main Street Gallery, 40 E. Main Street

Member Mondays on Zoom


Monday, December 14
Noon and lasts around 20 minutes
FREE, Members Only

This programming has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these programs, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit the National Endowment for the Humanities website here

Decorative Knots Workshop on Zoom


Thursday, November 19
Registration Deadline: November 18 by noon

Back by popular demand, in this workshop, you will learn the monkey’s fist and a basic Turk’s Head Knot. These make great gifts and also perfect holiday ornaments! Participants can work on the projects throughout the week or wait and join us on Zoom on December 17th. For questions contact Jeana at [email protected]. Register here. Registration deadline is noon on December 16th. Workshop kit includes string, samples, and instructions mailed by the Museum. Participants can keep any leftover materials, but should provide their own scissors, lighter and pliers.

Peek into Paintings on Facebook Live

Friday, December 18

Join us at as Museum Educator Sarah Cole uses high resolution images of our paintings to zoom in on all the details. See our paintings as never before! Learn about the artist and the history and geography behind the subject of the painting. Post your questions and comments during the live session.

Peek into Paintings on Facebook Live

Friday, January 8

Join us at as Museum Educator Sarah Cole uses high resolution images of our paintings to zoom in on all the details. See our paintings as never before! Learn about the artist and the history and geography behind the subject of the painting. Post your questions and comments during the live session.

Member Mondays on Zoom


Monday, January 11
Noon and lasts around 20 minutes
FREE, Members Only

Curator Cipperly Good will present January’s Member Monday “Dressing for Winter.” Joanna Colcord and Antoinette Webber were born a decade apart, both daughters of Searsport Sea Captains.  Through their childhood winter outerwear, we learn about the joys and tragedies of children of merchant mariners.  While their fathers visited tropical climes, both girls experienced Maine winters surrounded by extended families.

Peek into Paintings on Facebook Live

Friday, January 22

Join us at as Museum Educator Sarah Cole uses high resolution images of our paintings to zoom in on all the details. See our paintings as never before! Learn about the artist and the history and geography behind the subject of the painting. Post your questions and comments during the live session.

Member Monday – Matt Wheeler presents Peggy McKenna’s Ode to Waldo County


Monday, February 8th
Free for members

Peggy McKenna, a Pennsylvania native, landed in Montville, Maine, in 1971. She was part of the first wave of “back-to-the-landers,” young ideologues wanting simple, rural lives. The people she came to know and appreciate— locals with long roots and transplants like herself— were frequent subjects of her photography, both as a journalist for the upstart Waldo Independent and as a resident of Montville growing roots of her own. Join PMM Digital Curator Matt Wheeler for a retrospective of Peggy’s work.